In February, a tank sprouted a 100-ton leak of radioactive water, the most serious incident since leaks sparked international alarm last year.
The latest miscue occurred on Wednesday, when a ton of radioactive water overflowed from a tank. Which has forced admissions of guilt and failure...
Abe’s government pledged half a billion dollars last year to tackle the issue, but progress has been limited.“It’s embarrassing to admit, but there are certain parts of the site where we don’t have full control,” Akira Ono told reporters touring the plant last week. He was referring to the latest blunder at the plant: channeling contaminated water into the wrong building. Ono also acknowledged that many difficulties may have been rooted in Tepco’s focus on speedsince the
2011 disaster.
“It may sound odd, but this is the bill we have to pay for what we have done in the past three years,” he said. “But we were pressed to build tanks in a rush and may have not paid enough attention to quality. We need to improve quality from here.”
In summary, Tepco had pledged to have treated all contaminated water by March 2015, but said this week that was called a “tough goal.” But building the giant wall of ice remains more fact than fiction for now (still)...Full Article Click Here!