The U.S. has many comments in the past, about "nuclear proliferation". Noted a considerable number of untruths, many of which have been repeated time and again. WISE presents the "Top Ten Nuclear Lies" and counter truths...with the danger that nuclear lies get, quoted and re-quoted so often they become accepted as truth.

Most alarming is people who should know better, with advisors who do know better are responsible for many false statements, such as POTUS G.W. Bush mispronouncing the word itself *nuclear as "nucular" is something else.
Things that make ya go Hmm...
To compliment that, here is a list of ten common lies and misleading statements about nuclear power that WISE researched, exposing the truth behind them...
Click image to enlarge... Taking the entire fuel cycle into account, nuclear power emits 4-5 times more CO2 than renewable energy sources...Full article at;
Click image to enlarge...

Most alarming is people who should know better, with advisors who do know better are responsible for many false statements, such as POTUS G.W. Bush mispronouncing the word itself *nuclear as "nucular" is something else.
Things that make ya go Hmm...
To compliment that, here is a list of ten common lies and misleading statements about nuclear power that WISE researched, exposing the truth behind them...

Click image to enlarge...